Machine Learning Research Club

An online book club style community for learning about AI and Machine Learning

What is MLRC?

Every week we will read a different paper centered around the topic of artificial intelligence and machine learning

Specific topics may include:

Who should join?

Anybody interested in studying or building with machine learning should join

There are no hard prerequisites other than a dedication to learning

Though, some experience with the following will be beneficial:

When do we meet?

Discussion meetings will likely happen on Sunday’s. Exact time TBD

Where do we meet?

Meetings will be held online - we’re hopeful to host irl meetings in the future!

Why should I join?

Learning about these technologies on your own can be difficult, the rate of advancement in the field is insanely hard to keep up with (new research comes out constantly!), so we figured it’d be nice to have some people to share with and learn from.

The goal of this working group is to create a community of people who you can lean on for guidance and support.

Teach, learn, make friends, all that good stuff!

How does MLRC work?

Synchronous meetings for discussion and demos will happen online, likely in a Google Meets call

What’s coming next?